![What do I do Now? : Dr. Foster's 30 Laws of Great Decision Making [PDF] What do I do Now? : Dr. Foster's 30 Laws of Great Decision Making [PDF]](https://mvpautoparts.com/shop/images/P/demo_store_p4036-01-01.jpeg)
Author: Charles Foster
Execubooks are eSummaries of books for mobile professionals, available in single-copy or by subscription, and optimally formatted for onscreen reading on laptops or handhelds - so you can stay abreast of leading business wisdom, wherever you have a moment! Do you panic at the thought of making an important decision in your life? When faced with the prospect of changing jobs, getting married, or moving to a new home, do you vacillate, procrastinate, and run, hoping that the need to make a choice will go away? Or do you jump in headfirst just to get the decision over with? If this sounds familiar, you are in luck, as Dr. Foster, Director of Boston's Chestnut Hill Institute, is here to help! Based on his twelve-year study, What Do I Do Now? presents 30 laws that great decision makers use to navigate their way successfully through tough choices.
About the Author
Charles Foster, Ph.D., M.B.A., is Director of The Chestnut Hill Institute, in Boston, and has been a clinician, consultant, and researcher for twenty-five years. He has lectured at Harvard Medical School and has conducted research under a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health. He is the author of Truth Without Fear: How to Communicate Difficult News in Tough Situations. He lives in Boston. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
- Format: Adobe Reader (PDF)
- Printable: Yes. This title is printable
- Mac OS Compatible: OS 9.x or later
- Windows Compatible: Yes
- Handheld Compatible: Yes. Adobe Reader is available for PalmOS, Pocket PC, and Symbian OS.
- Publisher: execubook.com (August 3,2001)
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