Home :: Books :: Windows 2000 Server System Administration Handbook [PDF]

Windows 2000 Server System Administration Handbook [PDF]

Windows 2000 Server System Administration Handbook [PDF]
Our price:
$49.95 (37.46)

Author: Syngress

A complete overview of the Windows 2000 Server operating system provides key assistance for NT4 professionals in administering and supporting the system. Its detailed coverage will enable administrators to differentiate the features and technology changes from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000. Twelve chapters provide detailed coverage of Active Directory, Microsoft Management Console, and new Windows 2000 hardware support, as well as information on implementing new Windows 2000 security options and upgrading networks to the new platform.

Product Details

  • Format: Adobe Reader (PDF)
  • Printable: Yes. This title is printable
  • Mac OS Compatible: OS 9.x or later
  • Windows Compatible: Yes
  • Handheld Compatible: Yes. Adobe Reader is available for PalmOS, Pocket PC, and Symbian OS.
  • Publisher: Syngress (November 7, 1999)
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